Click below to download a PDF version of our WordPress User Guide.
The guide contains tips and screenshots on how to make changes and add new posts and pages, edit menus and widgets and more.
Note: it may take a few moments to load as this is a large file. Once the PDF opens in your browser, you can save it to your desktop or print it for easy reference.
Who Is This WordPress Guide For?
This guide was created to help customers of Bizzy Bizzy manage their WordPress websites after we have created a custom site for them. We believe in empowering our customers to take control of their websites and add useful content to their sites frequently. We don’t believe in holding customers hostage and forcing them to pay us for website maintenance for things they can do themselves. We provide training and this free WordPress manual to help you manage your website. Managing a website will take some learning, but it shouldn’t be something you dread. WordPress is a wonderful, user friendly tool, and we hope you take the opportunity to learn about its capabilities.
Every website we build is totally custom and has different features and functionality. This guide serves to help with WordPress basics, but may not cover every type of content of specific situation to your website. If you need additional training or if you would like us to create a custom manual for your specific website, please contact us.
Even if you didn’t get your website from Bizzy Bizzy, this guide has general instructions that will apply to almost any WordPress website. We’re happy to share the knowledge!
We will make our best attempts to keep this guide up to date with the latest information, but please be aware that your WordPress version may be older or newer than the information in this guide. The basics will always be the same, but there might be slightly different look or wording to certain functions. The latest information can always be found at http://codex.wordpress.org. And of course, a Google search on how to do something will often yield exact instructions.
This guide doesn’t cover WordPress installation – installation is well documented on wordpress.org. If you need help installing, migrating, designing or updating your WordPress installation you should get in touch with us for a quote. We may add installation information at a later date, but currently this guide is written for WordPress users.
Of course, on that note, some advanced set-up and configuration guidance isn’t included either. If you want to get more advanced with WordPress, we offer one-on-one WordPress training programs or we can schedule group trainings. In the trainings, you’ll be able to learn a range of WordPress skills – from beginner to advanced, and from using WP to Do-It-Yourself SEO.
In the meantime, happy reading and welcome to the WordPress community!